Registration of the participants of the "Electronic Kazan on the Danube-2020" conference
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International Scientific Conference «Electronic Kazan on the Danube-2020»

List of conference participants

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viewing results 1-10 of 67

# Full name Organization City  ↑ Report name Reports
Zeinullayeva Inabat Dauytqyzy Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Almaty Zeinullayeva.docx
Kerimbayev Nurassyl Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Almaty
Misut Martin University of Economics Bratislava The impact of online teaching during the Covid 19 pandemic on students’ results in computer science subjects Misut.rtf
Brezina Ivan - EU v Bratislave Bratislava Solving problems of mathematical programming
in Python in the teaching process
Pekar Juraj - EU v Bratislave Bratislava Solving problems of mathematical programming
in Python in the teaching process
Kultan Jaroslav University of Economics in Bratislava Bratislava ОБУЧЕНИЕ В КРИТИЧЕСКИХ УСЛОВИЯХ
Strešňáková Anna Ekonomická univerzita Bratislava
Kostal Igor University of Economics in Bratislava Bratislava
Brezina Jr. Ivan - Paneurópska vysoká škola n.o. Bratislava Online learning evaluation in selected faculties of economics of slovak universities during Covide-19
Režná Betka - EUBA v Bratislave Bratislava Online learning evaluation in selected faculties of economics of slovak universities during Covide-19

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viewing results 1-10 of 67
List of participants  |  Search  |  Registration closed  |  Main page  |  E-mail: e-forum2020@e-kazan.info  -